A quiet revolution of rest

Dear One,

Yes, you were designed to work hard in this life. But you were also designed to rest deeply, to receive nourishment, and to refuel along the way.

Unfortunately, the systems of the world are generally designed to require the first part, and to override the second part. To require that you work hard, without moments of necessary softness where your energy regenerates and your brilliance reboots.

Fighting for the space to rest, restore, and refuel can feel so uncomfortable. Even dangerous. Because our lives and livelihoods are often set up to depend on an inhuman ability to keep going, even when the wheels start coming off.

What gets extra tricky is when this requirement for tireless functioning gets internalized. When we start to demand tirelessness of ourselves, even in moments when a choice to slow down, to rest, to pause, is objectively available. Sometimes we have to de-program our programming. And re-program ourselves according to our values, and the change we want to embody in the world.

A quiet revolution of rest.

If yoga is a space where you help yourself claim the choice of rest, to re-program your habits of overriding your system, and to taste deep restoration, join me on the mat. Or in the yoga therapy office, where psychotherapy is now available too! Keep reading below and reach out to me with questions.

Taking those deliberate breaths alongside you,


In a nutshell ... here's what's happening!


  • Befriending Stillness: Radically Restorative Yoga Workshop is this Saturday, November 18th from 6:30-8pm. Please make sure you pre-register ... we've been selling out!

  • Next restorative workshop is December 16th at 6:30pm.

  • Weekly Flow & Restore drop-in classes are Sundays, 6-7:15pm (in-person, livestream, or recorded for 48hrs).

  • Save the date: New Year's Awakening workshop Sunday 12/31 in the late afternoon, timing TBA!

  • Save the date: Radical Resilience Winter Self-Care *virtual* series Thursdays at 6-7pm in January!

PSYCHOTHERAPY OFFERINGS: I started a new part-time job as a clinical therapist with a small but mighty group practice called Nourished Minds Counseling + Wellness. I have a few openings for weekly psychotherapy in the new year, as an out-of-network provider. If you're curious to learn more and explore a mutual fit and schedule alignment, you can email me directly!

YOGA THERAPY: I have a few openings in my yoga therapy practice and am currently doing *virtual* intake sessions with potential new clients to assess for mutual fit. Yoga Therapy is a body-based therapeutic practice focused on nervous system regulation. You can use the online scheduler to see pricing info and book a session, or fill out the new client inquiry form.

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING: Dates are posted for the Restorative Yoga Teacher Training, January 12-15, 2024! With Alex & Brenna Matthews. See below.

PS: If you do the Instagram thing, let's connect at @alexbauermeisteryogatherapy. And for some music to help you ride the waves of this time, check out my public playlists on Spotify under abauermeister. And ... I always love hearing how these newsletters land with you. Send me a note if you're so inspired!